Ancient Israelite Religion
- Instructor: Dr. John L. McLaughlin
- Day: Tuesday
- Time: 14:00-16:00
- Location: TBA
Pre-Requisites: 3 semesters of Hebrew
A seminar examining features of ancient Israelite religion as reflected in the archaeological and literary evidence. Topics include the origins and nature of Yahweh, other deities in ancient Israel, monotheism, the cult of the dead, divergent perspectives of priestly, royal, Deuteronomistic, prophetic groups, etc.

Dr. John L. McLaughlin
Interim Dean and Professor of Old Testament/Hebrew Bible
Dr. John L. McLaughlin is a professor of Old Testament/Hebrew Bible at the Faculty of Theology.
Professor McLaughlin will be serving as the Interim Dean of the Faculty of Theology for a two-year term as effective July 1, 2020. He previously held the Interim Dean position in the 2014â15 academic year.
He is an Associate Member of the Graduate Faculty with the Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations at U of T, and is a past President of the Canadian Society of Biblical Studies. He currently serves on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Hebrew Scriptures and as an Associate Editor of the Catholic Biblical Quarterly.
Professor McLaughlin earned a BA from St. Thomas University in Fredericton, NB before enrolling at the University of Toronto, where he earned an MA in Philosophy. He then studied Theology and Scripture at St. Michaelâs Faculty of Theology, earning an MDiv and a PhD. Professor McLaughlin joined the St. Michaelâs faculty in 2002 after teaching for seven years at Wheeling Jesuit University in Wheeling, West Virginia.
Professor McLaughlin is a native of Saint John, NB. He misses the Atlantic Ocean, fog, and dulse.
Ancient Israelite Religion
Winter 2022- Instructor: Dr. John L. McLaughlin
- Day: Tuesday
- Time: 14:00-16:00
- Location: AH306
SMB5064HS L0101
Ancient Israelite Religion
Winter- Instructor: Dr. John L. McLaughlin
- Day: Tuesday
- Time: 14:00-16:00
- Location: TBA
- âIs Amos (Still) Among the Wise?â Journal of Biblical Literature 133 (2014): 281â303.
- âTheir Hearts Were Hardened: The Use of Isaiah 6:9â10 in the Book of Isaiah,â Biblica 75 (1994): 1â25.
- The Questions of Jesus. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2020.
- Reprint of The Questions of Jesus. Ottawa: Novalis Press/Liguori, Missouri: Liguori Publications, 2001.
- Parables of Jesus. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2020. Reprint of Parables of Jesus. Ottawa: Novalis Press, 2004.
- Justice in the Balance: Learning from the Prophets. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2020. Reprint of Justice in the Balance: Learning from the Prophets. Ottawa: Novalis Press, 2008.
- An Introduction to Israelâs Wisdom Traditions. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2018. Pp. xi + 217.
- What Are They Saying About Ancient Israelite Religion? Mahweh, NJ: Paulist Press, 2016. Pp. xv + 167.
- The Ancient Near East: An Essential Guide. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2012. Pp. xiii + 150.
- The marzÄaáž„ in the Prophetic Literature: References and Allusions in Light of the Extra-Biblical Evidence. Vetus Testamentum Supplements, vol. 86; Leiden/ Boston/Köln: E. J. Brill, 2001.
- Forthcoming: âThe Exact Same Thing Only Different: âHebrewsâ and âIsraelitesâ in 1 Samuel.â In Forget Not Godâs Benefits (Psalm 103:2): Festschrift in Honor of Leslie Hoppe, OFM, edited by Barbara E. Reid, OP. Catholic Biblical Quarterly Imprints, vol. 3, 90-110. Washington: Catholic Biblical Association of America. Estimated publication: 2022.
- Forthcoming: âAmos.â In The Jerome Biblical Commentary for the Twenty-First Century, edited by John J. Collins, Gina Hens-Piazza, Barbara Reid OP, Donald Senior CP. London: Bloomsbury. Scheduled Publication: online, October, 2020; print, Jan. 2022.
- âIntroduction to Wisdom Literature.â In The Jerome Biblical Commentary for the Twenty-First Century, edited by John J. Collins, Gina Hens-Piazza, Barbara Reid OP, Donald Senior CP. London: Bloomsbury. Scheduled Publication: online, October, 2020; print, Jan. 2022.
- âCollateral Damage: Divine Punishment of Others for Davidâs Sins in 2 Samuel.â In God and Gods in the Deuteronomistic History, edited by Corrine Carvalho and John L. McLaughlin. Catholic Biblical Quarterly Imprints, vol. 2, 143-59. Washington: Catholic Biblical Association of America, 2021.
- âThe Relation of the Minor Prophets to the Wisdom Tradition(s).â In The Oxford Handbook of the Minor Prophets, edited by Julia M. OâBrien, 213-225. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021.
- âWisdom Influence.â In The Oxford Handbook of Wisdom and the Bible, edited by Will Kynes, 409â22. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021.
- âWisdom from the Wise: Pedagogical Principles from Proverbs.â In Religion and Education in Antiquity: Essays in Honour of Michel Desjardins, edited by Alex Damm. SHR, vol. 160, 29â54. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2018.
- God and Gods in the Deuteronomistic History, edited by Corrine Carvalho and John L. McLaughlin. Catholic Biblical Quarterly Imprints, vol. 2. Washington: Catholic Biblical Association of America, 2021.
- âMarzeah Papyrus.â In Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception. Vol. 17, LotusâMaskerah, edited by Christine Helmer, et al., cols. 1236â37. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2019.
- âCharismatic Leadership Models.â The Bible Today 56 (2018): 215-19.
- âMoses in Ben Sira.â The Bible Today 55 (2017): 335-40.
- âBasic Income in Light of the Biblical Call for Justice.â
- âWho is the God of the Exodus, El or Yahweh?â
- âWho Is This Who Darkens the Design?â (Job 38:2): Godâs Response to Jobâs Curse.
- âOn the Translation of rÄwÄh (âBe Intoxicated?â).â
- âThe Two Mountains Gods: El Shaddai as âEl of the Mountainâ and Yahweh.â
- âThe Law, the Prophet, and the Ideal King: A Narrative Analysis of the Reform of Josiah in 2 Kgs 22:1-23:30.
- âObeying the Lord When it Does not Make Sense: A Study on the Inter-relationship of Davidâs Census and the Balaam Narrative.
- âHeliolatry in the Hebrew Bible: An Investigation into the Original Nature of Yahweh.â
- âYahweh and his Counselors: The Structure and Membership of the Council of Yahwehâ
- âThe Sacrifice of Isaac: The First Born Law and the Redaction of the Pentateuch.â
- âUnderstanding Immortality in âThe Speech of the Wickedâ (Wisd 1:16-2:24).â
- âIn the Wrong Place: Qoheletâs Despairing Social Justice with Consideration to the King, Wealth, and Creation.â
- âThe Divine Fencing In: The Relationship Between Structure and Content in the Book of Job.â
- âThe Pain-Filled Necessity of Judgment: The Function of Jeremiahâs Laments in Jeremiah 11-20.â
- âTerms of Separation: Cultural Purity and Social Identity in Ezra-Nehemiah.â
- âDavidâs Rise: Articulating Power through Gender in the Deuteronomistic History.â
- âThe Theological Problem of the Yahwist Account of Manâs Creation and Fall: An Exegetical Analysis of Gen 2:4b-3:24.â